Friday, May 8, 2020

Theory of Governmen

Theory of GovernmenWhen writing an essay on subjects relating to the history and politics of other nations, one of the first questions that come to mind is, how do you appropriately write theories of government? In this essay, I will be addressing this issue and briefly discussing the underlying principles which govern all nations.Theories of government are basically descriptions of the actual manner in which different nations deal with various issues, such as money, crime, and defence policy. It is important to note that these theories of government are not absolute and, in fact, cannot be imposed upon other nations simply because a certain country is sovereign.Because of the unique and special nature of each individual nation, it is difficult to apply universally applied theories of government to the well being of another nation, particularly if that nation is its own nation. Therefore, in such instances, a nation will have to determine and understand its own goals and policies, an d then proceed accordingly.There are many ways to approach such theories of government, and I will briefly describe three. First, many nations will decide on a model whereby all subjects pertaining to national affairs will be brought under the authority of a single individual, or at least his personal lawyer. This individual will be responsible for determining what laws will be enforced within the society, and he will be responsible for interpreting the laws to suit all aspects of the nation.Second, there will be one individual who has authority to interpret all policies, and she will be empowered to implement all such policies at the whim of the government. When writing an essay on theories of government, the individual which will be implementing all policies will be called the executive.Third, many nations will decide to pursue a form of democracy where there is no individual who can directly enact policies, but rather, the research subject will be carried out by an advisory board . This board will consist of a number of individuals chosen at random from a group of professionals who will act as advisers to the government.Regardless of the type of theory of government that each individual nation chooses, it is likely that the success of the nation will be linked to its ability to successfully implement it, which in turn will be influenced by the general balance of power in the world. This includes both nations of equal strength and those which are at war.Regardless of which theory of government is adopted, the aim of every nation must be to maintain a true balance of power. Without maintaining a true balance of power, all theories of government will fail, as the ruling government will be the one that is more powerful, and the people will be unable to achieve their objectives.

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