Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Describe the Expected Pattern free essay sample

This may initially affect physical development, but may also restrict their social activities. Health Some children may have inherit conditions such as blood sickle disease and disorders or asthma will affect his education, he will be absent for long periods from the school and this will affect his ability to make friends and share with school activities. Poverty Children who come from poor and deprived backgrounds are less likely to thrive and achieve well in school, as parents will find it more difficult to manage their needs, which will affect all areas of their development. If a child has a shy personality, that means his parents themselves may not be comfortable in social situations that make child is more likely to be shy with limited social exposure and experiences, and this will affect on his social, emotional, physical, and intellectual developments. Children with different cultural backgrounds will be influenced by several factors such as religion, beliefs and their families, so the children may have emotional conflict when they wish to share in some physical activities which go against their family’s wishes or religious beliefs. Family breakup Children who have parents that are going through a breakup may show emotional turmoil. Their behavior may change or they may become withdrawn. A family breakup would affect a childs emotional development and could affect their intellectual development. Introduction of a new partner Some children may find it hard adjusting to a new partner. They may not like them or they may feel jealous of them. Bereavement Bereavement can affect childrens emotional development in a big way. They may also be too upset to concentrate and may fall behind with their school work so affect their intellectual development. Illness A close family member suffering from illness or disease can have a huge impact on a childs emotional and intellectual development. Describe with examples how different aspects of development can affect one another: Children and young people’s development is holistic with each area being interconnected. We have to look at the child’s development at all aspects in relation to the particular aspect of development or learning we are focusing on. Difficulty in Sharing: A child who does not know how to share may find social interaction with other children a problem. This can affect social development, as other children will be reluctant to play with them and may avoid any interaction. This can affect emotional development as the child will begin to feel lonely and left out, leading to feelings of sadness. Difficulty interacting: A child who finds it difficult to interact with other children due to factors such as bullying, may find it difficult to express their feelings. They may feel unable to tell their parents or other children. This can affect development in various ways, for example social and emotional. It can lead to changes in behaviour. The child may find socialising a challenge. They may feel that all children will bully them, which then can lead to isolation, feeling lost and lonely. The child will then lose confidence, which in turn makes them feel frustrated and they may have mood swings. Difficulty Following Instructions: A child who finds it difficult to follow simple instructions may find that most children/parents will have a negative reaction. This can make the child/young person feel angry. They can become easily frustrated and lack self confidence. In time the child could become withdrawn. They may feel as if they need to keep things to themselves. This could lead to isolation as they may have no one to talk to as they may worry they will be angry with them. Speech Impediment Such as stuttering may lead to being unable to communicate properly with other children. The child may get frustrated and refrain from any interaction with other children. They may have little or no self confidence. This can affect emotional and social development as well as communication development. They may be bullied or picked on because of it, which in turn can lead to isolation as they may feel unable to talk to other children for fear of being ridiculed. Differing development rates. Example: Fadi is a 14 year old boy who attends secondary school. He is extremely overweight and obesity among children can disrupt their physical development and have an impact on their social and emotional wellbeing. The fact that George is overweight may mean that he struggles when doing sports activities at school, which could result in him being teased by his classmates, leaving him embarrassed and self-conscious. Also getting changed on front of his peers may embarrass him which could result in him not wanting to take part in PE, affecting his health even more. George may then prefer to stay at home instead of going to school and being ridiculed, resulting in absences and then falling behind at school. Obesity can also affect the onset of puberty especially in boys as hormones get affected and slow down the male development. This again could lead to teasing and bullying, result in low self-esteem and even depression. For example, when observing a child’s writing skills as well as looking at their intellectual development we need to consider the child’s: * Physical development (fine motor skills when using a pencil or pen) * Language development and communication skills (vocabulary and structure of language used during their writing). Children and young people’s development is affected by many other factors maturation, social interaction, play opportunities, early learning experiences, special needs. The developmental charts below do indicate specific ages, but only to provide a framework to help you understand the basic patterns of development. Always remember that all children and young people are unique individuals and develop at their own rate.

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