Wednesday, May 6, 2020

American Education Is Vital For The Future Success Of Any...

Revolutionizing American Education Education is vital for the future success of any nation. Throughout the past twenty years, education in the United States of America has fallen far below international standards. This poor performance has caused a recession to the innovations America once made in industries such as engineering, science, and health; Thus making it the most important topic among American politics. America is persistently investing in education to keep up with the competitive nations, but their efforts have been unsuccessful. By understanding the current system used in America, as well as those used in the countries that out perform us, we can discover the cure. Through research I have found that the greatest strength to any education system is the funding it receives. This paper will go into detail about the education systems that outperform America, particularly how they function, and how they are funded. We will also discuss details as to how much the United States is spending on their education system and what President Obama has in mind to correct the problems America is currently facing with their curricula. America, much like other countries, has three levels of education broken up by age groups. These levels are elementary, secondary and higher education. This education is provided by three entities being public, private and homeschooling. In America, 88% of school-aged children attend public schools, 9% attend private schools, and nearly 3% areShow MoreRelatedThe Future Of The American Public School System1344 Words   |  6 Pages It is not enough to try to fix the schools; they must be reconstructed in both fundamental and radical ways. The school system must be restructured. The future of the American public school system is significant because the maintenance of an informed and productive citizenry is vital to the future of this country. 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